Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Research, Review, and Prezi

This week was the beginning of my literature review.  After hours upon hours of reading journals, I had finally gained enough knowledge of solar distillers in order to put some of it down on paper.  The hardest part was determining what information was going to be useful in my literature review. Many of the journals were very in detail about the physics of heat transfer within the system.  Some of the information was a little over my head, but after sticking with it, most of the journals had very useful information.  

Creating my presentation was the next step after writing the literature review.  I decided to attempt to make a Prezi presentation.  At first it was hard to figure out, but it is actually much more flexible when compared to PowerPoint.  Although my presentation is not as flashy and aesthetically pleasing as I would of liked it to be, it does a good job of organizing and presenting the information.

Link to my literature review presentation: Solar Water Distillation

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